Consisting of semiconductor materials such as silicon or germanium, this is a device that allows the flow of current in one direction, used generically for the rectification of signals and signal limiters, among other topologies or functions.
Consisting of semiconductor materials such as silicon or germanium, this is a device that allows the flow of current in one direction, used generically for the rectification of signals and signal limiters, among other topologies or functions.
Luguang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (LGE) was established in September 2002. It is a high-tech company focused on the design, manufacture and marketing of various electronic components. LGE offers a complete line of high-quality semiconductor products such as TVS diodes, Zener diodes, Schottky diodes, rectifier diodes and fast recovery rectifiers.
Outstanding manufacturer that integrates the design and production of discrete semiconductor chips: diodes, rectifier bridges, power modules and a whole series of solutions and products.
Yangjie - Roadmap 2022: Diodes / Transistors / Power Modules